i'm not a cat

i'm not a cat

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yeah, finally finish my FYP 1 presentation. Although my examiner is a British guy but he is quite a kind and friendly person, he even spent his time to discuss with us about our title and gave us some advice for our FYP2. Really thanks to him for not criticized us much in our presentation but give us more advices and suggestion. Thx for my supervisor and my partner, yeemin..We have to work hard for our fyp2 ya.^^
Now is the time to study, few more days is the final exam but i haven't prepare yet. Argrrrrr....Haiz.. so better start today ya, tomorow is too late..azaazaa fighting! Do all the best u can, i dun wan regret with anythings..good luck to all my friends that will taking exam next week too..jiayou~

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