i'm not a cat

i'm not a cat

Thursday, March 11, 2010


one of the picture took during my birthday...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ict issue

Technology in ICT has creates new possibilities for human action to become more effective than previous mode. Nowadays, there is a rapid increase of people using World Wide Web because there is a real potential for them in advancement of learning, make communication, doing e-commerce and e-banking in an easier and faster way. However, with the rapid increase in people using of the internet, there has also been commensurate rise in a new form of an old ethical issue which is called internet plagiarism.

What is internet plagiarism? Internet plagiarism is the action of presenting others’ words, works, ideas, sounds, images or the creative expressions in the internet to make it as your own. There is a fact that internet plagiarism is a serious and on growing ethical issue that not only happen in our country, Malaysia but also in the whole world.

As more students are become user of the internet, some of them are actually involve in the internet plagiarism issue. These kinds of issue always occur in high school or university recently. When students are assigned to do project or assignment, they just simply search information through the network and do copy and paste activity in other to complete their work. Those students who have included words or ideas of others in their work without inserted the original author are consider as plagiarism. Citation gives authority to the information that present and for readers to locate the source. Once you do not use the citation in the work then it is consider cheating or plagiarism. This kind of copy and paste activity also occurs among employee of a company. Once the company has find out the true.

Illegally download movies, songs, software and images are also considered as internet plagiarism and on growing issue that happen in our real world. By using searching engine in internet, people can search and get all the information they want to get. Therefore, there is a highly increase of illegally download activities happen in the internet. People are always tried to get things which are free in the network. When a person illegally download movies, songs, software and others from some website without paying any fees or charge, the person is encountered as doing unethical action. Without getting copy right from the real producer of the movies, songs or software, one cannot publish the movies, song or software to the website for others to download it. It can be considered as a plagiarism or cyber-crime and the person who did the plagiarism will be arrested. For example, at (18 December 2009), several New York man were arrested on federal charges of illegally distributing copy of the “Wolverine movie”. Those people are caught because of doing internet plagiarism.

By the way, internet plagiarism is an unethical behavior and we should always recognize and avoid from it.

xia mi si blog?

walau eh, kio wo sia blog. le xi kong wo nang uni eh line jin jia hor ar..le xi kong wo nang eh sai de le bang keng, tei bang meng cheng yi dian nao ar...le xi bo nao ar..hello..lu chiah ba buei?wo si meng lu si jia ba buei?

why i was forced to create my own blog??

y? y? Y? y am i creating a blog now..that is not my style oso ma..ish..
The reasons i was forced to create my own blog is because:

1) Forced by my beautiful and cute lecturer becos she said
this is one of the assignments...ish.
2)To post something that is 'interesting'??
3)To show that i was in the trend(maybe)
4)To show off..hahaha

Anyway, I don't like blogging..waste time n energy..just to show others your 'Diary'!!! hahahaha..
i show my diary to u guys now oso..wat de!!


why no rain at this days...it so hot..can you imagine that i bath more than 5 times in a day and i still feel hot..haih...so TIGONG ar, can u pity us a bit and give some rain to us. We need rain..rain..rain..rain..RAIN.